The Silver Standard of Steel
When it comes to the number of steel grades available, we can understand why people are astonished and bemused by the options available! It does seem that there is a steel grade for every single application you can think of, but each one exists for a specific purpose and has its own capabilities, strengths and weaknesses!
One that always catches the eye of our customers is our Silver Steel Bar if not only because people immediately ask if there’s any silver contained in it! Unfortunately, there isn’t, it’s a historic name from the first half of the 20th Century, as the chromium that was alloyed into this particular steel gave it an extra bright finish, that made it appear like silver.
The actual make up of Silver Steel includes a number of other materials. As well as carbon and chromium, there’s also manganese.
If you need a strong and hard-wearing steel, hardening and tempering achieves a hardness of up to Rockwell C 64. The chromium content means that the material responds very well to treatment that the process is a deep hardening throughout the material.
There are many reasons to choose silver steel bar as your steel of choice, not only for its strength, hardness and machineability, but also because you can tell your clients that you’re using ‘silver steel’ and sound very grand indeed – if you don’t tell, we won’t!